Your support of A.D.R.O.P. has an immediate impact on the lives of others and provides tangible results.
A.D.R.O.P. is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization.
Many thanks to those individuals who supported A.D.R.O.P. in the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
A.D.R.O.P. is now able to accept donations through PayPal, eBay for Charity, Humble Bundle, Airbnb, Next Door Sell for Good, and Deed.
Your financial support will ensure the future of our current programs and enable us to expand our reach to those in need throughout the community. United Way Donor Choice Code # 29721.
Are you interested in being a tutor for our English as a Second Language program, teaching computer classes in Spanish, or helping to provide childcare during these classes? Do you have a special skill in law or medicine? We are looking for volunteers!
Become a Pen Pal
We are always in need of more pen pals for our Mary Mother of Captives pen pal program. The program offers a safe way to be in correspondence with an inmate, enriching the lives of all involved. You must be an adult to participate. To sign up for the program or to get more information